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Investor Factsheet

Name: MONEYME LIMITED ACN 636 747 414
Business Description: The MONEYME Group is a leading disruptor and innovator in the consumer lending market. Our core brands MONEYME and SocietyOne reflect a focus on innovation and the creation of digital-first experiences that meet, and exceed, the expectations of ‘Generation Now’. Leveraging AI and advanced, cloud-based technology, we deliver highly automated credit products and market-leading, seamless customer experiences.
Business Established: 9 May 2013
Listings: MONEYME LIMITED (MME) is listed on:
The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)Opens in new window
Level 3, 131 Macquarie Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Its securities are listed under
ASX code: MME
Registered Office: Level 3, 131 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Board of Directors: Mr. Peter Coad - Independent Non-Executive Chairman
Mr. Clayton Howes - Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Scott Emery - Non-Executive Director​
Ms. Susan Wynne - Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Dave Taylor - Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Rachel Gatehouse - Independent Non-Executive Director
Company Secretary: Mr. Jonathan Swain - Company Secretary
Our core brands:


Website: in new window in new window in new window in new window

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Grosvenor Place
225 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Share Registry: Australia
Link Market Services
Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone: (02) 8280 7100 (within Australia)
+61 2 8280 7100 (outside Australia)